Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Steve is Officially a 'Reverend'

His ordination went really well! Steve had to show up at 4 p.m. on Sunday to meet with the ordination council. They asked him his testimony and a series of doctrinal questions to make sure that his beliefs were in line with the church's. The council dismissed him after the questioning was complete, met and prayed together, then called Steve back in to tell him that he passed with flying colors!
The service was very nice. Our pastor and the director of SBC churches for our county both gave really wonderful sermons that were directed right at Steve. At the end of the service, Steve and I were presented before the church and Steve was given his license and certificate of ordination. The church also gave Steve a brand new Bible with his name inscribed on it, 'Rev. Steven Hurst'.
After the service, a special fellowship was given in Steve's honor. It was all so wonderful! Our Pastor from our church in Michigan and his wife, along with my parents were all here to witness the event. It was truly a special night for Steve and me both!


At 8:04 AM, Blogger RoseyAnn said...

Way to go Steve!!

At 8:05 AM, Blogger RoseyAnn said...

Way to go Steve and Aimee!!


At 9:25 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Congratulations! Can you believe you're a "Reverend's wife"?????? Now I sure didn't see that one coming!

Love you guys!


At 9:26 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Congratulations! Can you believe you're a "Reverend's wife"?????? Now I sure didn't see that one coming!

Love you guys!



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