Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cael's New Favorite Word

Cael is on a "no" kick these days. He likes to just yell the word, "NO!" out of the blue for no reason at all. He is very familiar with the word as we use it in context with his name quite often.
We even play a game with him where we say, "yes" and he says "no" and the game will go on and on as long as you let it. The funniest part is that he cracks up laughing throughout the entire course of the game. I know it's probably not a great "game" to teach him but at this age it's just too cute!
I'm pretty sure he knows what he is saying too. Yesterday we were in a restaurant and I offered him a cracker and right away he shook his head from right to left and said, "no!" as loud as he could. He didn't just say it once though, he said it about 10-12 times. The people around us laughed but I'm sure they were a little annoyed at the same time. At any rate, we got the message and didn't offer him any more crackers throughout the rest of the meal.


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