Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Catching Up On Us...

This is my very first post on our very first blog. I love the whole blog idea, it's great to keep in touch with people and let everyone know what's going on with us too.
Steve has been keeping busy with things going on at church. For those who don't know, Steve is the Youth Pastor of a church here in Titusville, FL, where we live. The biggest project he is working on right now is getting ready for the Harvest Party on October 30th. He is in charge of planning it and putting it all together. He's got some awesome ideas in the making. I know it's going to be great! We have a youth activity coming up this Saturday - Progressive Dinner, in which we travel to several different houses for different entrees. The kids are so excited about it. It's so awesome just to see them get so excited.
Greyson will be 4 next month!! I can't believe it! It seems like it was just yesterday when he came rolling out into this world and peeing on his daddy all at the same time. He is just growing like a weed. He has some jeans that just 2 months ago were entirely too long on him. Yesterday, I tried those same jeans on him and they were too short.
Cael is almost 10 months old. He is pulling himself up all the time now, crawling around the house (with one leg in front of him and one leg behind him) and when we put him down in his walker, there is just no telling where he might be. He still only has 2 teeth though. He got them at 6 months old and hasn't gotten any more since. Cael has quite a temper on him too. Just tonight, he took too big a bite of a Ritz Cracker, so I gently reached into his mouth to pull a tiny bit out, and he just threw a fit! He did NOT want me taking food out of his mouth, even though 95% of the cracker stayed in!
Well, that's my family in a nutshell right now! :)


At 12:25 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Well, I am honored to leave your very first comment to your very first post on your very first blog! Welcome to the bloggy world! It's great here! Consider yourself bookmarked by me!!!



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