Monday, February 12, 2007

I Have a Cubbie Bear!

Well, not a REAL bear exactly. We just got our Awana program up and running and last Wednesday was the very first night of it. Greyson is 4 years old so he is a 'Cubbie Bear'. He really enjoyed it! He learned a bible verse, a bible story and played 'Duck, Duck, Goose'. He also pledged allegiance to the american and christian flags for the first time!
I'm so glad that we finally got the Awana program up and running. It was hard work but it was definitely worth it. We were worried that we weren't going to have enough volunteers but we actually had more leaders than kids the very first night. This is definitely a blessing, it leaves a great opening for growth. We had 23 kids total from kindgergarten - 6th grade.
Originally, Steve and I were going to be the commanders because we really didn't know of anybody who had the time or interest in taking on such a great responsibility. We didn't know how we were going to do that AND do youth group on the same night, but we prayed about it and decided to just do our best and leave the rest up to God.
About a week or so before the first night of Awana, a couple in our church approached Steve and said that they would be willing to take on the position of Awana Commander for two years. They were hoping to be able to train somebody else to take their place in the meantime. Shortly after this meeting, we found out that there is a young guy in our church who wants to follow our commander around and learn the ropes so that, in two years, he can become the next commander! What a blessing! God certainly does answer prayers!!
We are really excited about our Awana program and about the fact that we get to be so involved in it. I'm also very thankful that Greyson is old enough to participate in it as well. We put some of our teens on a rotation schedule so that they will be able to serve one Wednesday a month in Awana. Everybody gets to be involved and that makes it so much more exciting for everyone!

To learn more about Awana programs, go to


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