Monday, November 20, 2006

Our Week At A Glance

As of Sunday afternoon, we have almost an entire week, work free! We didn't have a service this past Sunday night in church because we had a Thanksgiving dinner after the morning service. We won't be having a service Wednesday night because of Thanksgiving AND the church office is closed for most of the week. We are looking forward to being able to kick back and relax this week!
This past Sunday was quite a busy day for us. I woke up at 6 a.m. to go to church and help out in the kitchen with the Thanksgiving dinner that was to be served later in the day. Immediately after my kitchen duty, I scrambled to the bathroom, changed into my dress and headed to the auditorium for the morning service. I had been asked to share a personal testimony during the service. Not long after my testimony, I raced back into the kitchen to set up and organize the holiday dessert auction we were hosting as a youth fundraiser. We had a live auctioneer come to our church that day to do the auction for us. Our goal was to raise money to help the teens out with winter camp. The auction was so much fun and we raised quite a bit of money too! The auctioneer was so wonderful, he did the entire event for FREE!
Now, our big plans for Thanksgiving...since it will just be our immediate family together, we made reservations at a hotel down the street that has a pool and a hot tub. Hotel prices are incredibly cheap this time of year...I'm guessing those prices will start getting higher within the next month or so down here. We will be staying in a hotel Wednesday night and Thursday night and we are going to eat our Thanksgiving meal at either Cracker Barrell (if the wait is reasonable) or Denny's. I'm actually really looking forward to it! Greyson is so excited, he loves staying in a hotel with a swimming pool. My mom will be flying down Friday to stay with us for a little while and she and I will cook a traditional Thanksgiving dinner together sometime this weekend. Lots to look forward too! :)


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