Saturday, October 21, 2006

Wow! I'm Old!!!!

For those who don't know, Steve is a Youth Pastor at a church here in FL. Once a month we run a coffee house for the teens, right at the church. Last night we had our monthly coffee house and the theme was 'The eighties'. We put a CD together of popular eighties tv show themes and decided it would be fun to play a game in which the teens had to guess the name of the show after hearing the theme song. We played theme songs from shows like Diff'rent Strokes, Whose the Boss, Knight Rider, Family Ties, Growing Pains and Alf. Those teens didn't know ANY of them!! I just couldn't believe it! When I was a kid, these shows were SO popular....some were even on TV everyday! Wow, did I feel so old!! It doesn't seem like it was that long ago when I was sitting comfy and cozy on my couch watching these shows. Time has a way of just flying by so quickly!


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