Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Reflection on the Tragedy

There's no way to prepare for such a tragedy as suicide. It's one of those things that we just can't comprehend or explain. Many people look to God at a time like this and ask, "why?"
This is when we have to claim Deuteronomy 29:29, 'The secret things belong to the Lord.' This tragedy is definitely a secret thing. Nobody will ever know, this side of heaven, the reason this young man chose to take his life.
I know that many people are struggling with feelings of guilt, anger, sorrow, etc. I believe that these feelings are completely normal. Many people want to blame themselves when something like this happens to somebody they care about. We need to find peace in the fact that this young man went to heaven to meet a just and a loving God. Only God knows the answers. We can't blame ourselves or be overtaken with guilt for what others do. There is no responsibility or control when it comes to suicide. Whenever we start to blame ourselves or point the finger of blame in somebody elses direction, we need to pray and ask God to gently cover our hands with His and restore us in His peaceful presence.


At 8:08 AM, Blogger Becky said...


That was a beautiful post. Just a guys might really find comfort from a Bible study on suicide. Did you know that a few people in the Word committed suicide? The one that comes to mind right now is Samson. Yes, he died pulling down an entire building on top of the Philistines, but in doing so, he took his own life. AND, he gets mentioned in the "faith hall of fame" in Hebrews! Which means that how we leave this world, even if it's suicide, does not necessarily reflect the lives we have lived nor the Father's view of us, either. Just my thoughts at the moment!

You guys are in our prayers.


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