Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Shaving Cream Obsession

This is my absolute favorite picture of Greyson. He has recently decided that taking showers is more enjoyable than taking baths. If we would let him and if the water stayed hot, he would stay in that shower until his entire body was completely pruned. Greyson's favorite thing to do in the shower is "shave" with shaving cream. He has seen daddy shaving in the shower many times and thinks it's the coolest thing ever! Greyson likes to lather up his face (and arms, legs, head, etc.) with shaving cream and pretend the side of his hand is a razor (he knows better than to use a real razor). We have decided that we need to buy him his very own 'Dollar Store' shaving cream just for this purpose. One day I happened to have my camera handy and I just had to take this picture.


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