Saturday, July 07, 2007

Our July 4th Vacation

Steve had two days off in a row this past week due to the holiday. So, we decided to go to a hotel with a pool and hot tub for a couple days (it's off season in FL right now so hotel prices are LOW!). We actually got upgraded into a suite and it was nice!! The weather called for rain and thunderstorms all week so Greyson prayed and asked Jesus to "close the rain up" before we left. Guess what?? We had beautiful weather! Thank you Jesus for answering Greyson's sweet prayers! We really did have a great, relaxing time. We got to the hotel on Wednesday night (church was cancelled), swam for several hours and went out to eat. Both boys were zonked out by the time we got back to the hotel! The next morning we got up and went to breakfast and then went back to the pool for awhile. That night we went to see the fireworks at Sand Point Park just down the street. The next morning after breakfast we did some more swimming and came home that afternoon. Did I mention that we had a GREAT time?? Sometimes it's just so nice to get away for a couple days and relax with your family.
Here are a few pictures of our vacation.

Cael getting geared up for vacation just before we left

Cael enjoying a snack on Greyson's bed in the hotel room

Pizza anyone??

Greyson's all ready for some serious swimming!

Cael wasn't thrilled about wearing the life jacket

Greyson "diving" into the pool

Daddy and Cael are all ready to swim

There's nothin like a good nap in the pool!

Greyson & Cael sharing a special moment in the hot tub

Greyson in the bathtub after his fun filled day in the sun

The boys having a snack before bed

It's the Hurst Boys in Wrestle Mania!!

They just can't get enough!

Greyson and Cael at their 'sleepover' in the hotel room

Daddy and Greyson at the fireworks

The fireworks are coming from THAT direction!

Never fear! Fire Chief Cael is here!

And Fire Chief Greyson too!!

Mommy & Greyson enjoying the fireworks show


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