Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Vacation Bible School

Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) program is coming up at church. It runs from June 11-15th (next week). I am actually directing VBS this year for the first time. I have been involved with VBS in the past as a teacher but I've never actually directed the entire program. It has proven to be quite a job! I never realized how much little, tiny detail work goes into a job like that. Overall, I have really enjoyed doing it despite the occasional stressers that go along with the package. We are now trying to tie up all of the loose ends and get ready for our VBS planning day on Saturday and our VBS meeting this Sunday (the day before VBS begins). This years theme is Game Day Central. We will be focusing on sports game days (i.e. football, socccer, basketball, baseball) and game day heroes. Our goal is to tie all of that in with being a christian and our spiritual walks with Christ. Please pray for us as we finish the preparations and get ready for the big event. Pray for the lives of the children who will be attending VBS, that God would grab a hold of their hearts and work mightily in their young lives.


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