Monday, July 02, 2007

Summer Camp

Well, we just got back from summer camp with the teens this past weekend. We had such a wonderful time! We went to Word of Life Youth Camp in Hudson, FL (just north of Tampa). We went there last year as well. Their entire camp program is absolutely amazing! From the awesome chapel services, speakers, activities, etc., they do such an incredible job making camp week such a fun, memorable one for the teens. One of our teens made a decision to accept Christ, a couple of them rededicated their lives to Christ and several of them made purity commitments.
Steve and I had a wonderful week there as well. We stayed in the conference center, which is much like a hotel. We had activities and programming that was geared just for us, while the teens were off with their counselors following their own itinerary. We got to know a lot of different pastors, youth pastors and youth leaders. It's always refreshing to share ideas, stories and advice with others serving in ministry.
Below are some pictures of the teens enjoying themselves at camp!

Julia, Jodi, Travis, Kate and Kimberly after a 'riveting' game of tennis

Here's the Westside boys!

AND...the Westside gals

The girls havin' some fun in the pool

Ethan and DJ hammin' it up for the camera

The campfire - held the night before we left. Many teens made decisions to accept Christ and redidicate themselves to Christ at this service.

A group picture taken at the camp entrance

Sarah was so wiped out from her exhiliarating week at camp that she zonked out on top of the luggage on the way home


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