Monday, September 10, 2007

"No! I didn't poop!"

Cael said his very first full, complete sentence yesterday. I could smell that he had gone 'number 2' in his diaper so I asked him, "Cael, did you poop?" He looked at me and said, "No! I didn't poop!" It was so cute!! He will usually tell me, "no poop!" or just, "no" (he will NEVER admit when he's done it). This was the first full sentence with a subject, verb and direct object that Cael has ever spoken. When Steve got home I asked Cael again, "did you poop?" but he only said, "no". So, Steve has yet to hear Cael speak his first sentence, but were persistantly asking him. With any luck, sooner or later he'll say it again!
Today I was in the kitchen and Cael came running up to me and started pushing my legs. He kept saying, "go dide!" (translation: 'go outside')as he was pushing on my legs and leading me to the back door. We got outside and he ran over to a chair on our patio. He patted the chair and said, "dit" (sit). I sat down and he brought me a ball and said, "dro it mama!" (throw it mama). The boys' basketball hoop was right in front of me and he wanted me to sit in the chair and shoot baskets so he could watch.
It's amazing how Cael is all of a sudden communicating with us just like a little person. Children sure do grow up fast! :(


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