Lawn Makeover!
We have been busy taking care of some much needed home repairs for the past several months. We have gotten a brand new roof, sprinkler system, a patio poured in the backyard and most recently, brand new grass!!
We have had the worst problem with chinch bugs this past year. They invaded our lawn and devoured ALL of our grass!! From what we were told, chinch bugs begin eating away at the root of each piece of grass, cutting off the nourishment supply so, therefore, the grass dies. We killed off what little grass was left after the chinch bugs ate their fill. This past week, he had brand new sod layed down in our front and back yard....yay!! I can't believe how the new sod has drastically changed the overall appearance of our house for the better! I am so glad to finally be rid of all of that dead grass and dirt.
In addition to the new grass, we are in the process of planting some flowers and decorating specific areas with wood mulch. After all of that is done, I will post some more pictures.
Here are some before and after pictures of our lawn.